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Supporting Our Veterans

BlueWater is a veteran friendly company supporting information technology and mission support services throughout the DoD. We are proud to be an employer of choice for many veterans and a DoD SkillBridge partner.

BlueWater’s SkillBridge Program

The DOD SkillBridge program is an opportunity for service members to gain valuable civilian work experience with a BlueWater internship during the last 180 days of service. SkillBridge connects service members with industry partners in real-world job experiences.

Service members can be granted up to 180 days of permissive duty to focus solely on training full-time with approved industry partners after unit commander (first O-4/Field Grade commander in chain of command) provides written authorization and approval.

For additional information or to start the process please contact Mr. Scott Penland, spenland@bwfed.com

The testimonials below illustrate inspiring stories of military veterans who successfully transitioned to civilian careers with BlueWater’s help. These testimonials highlight the valuable support and guidance we provide to veterans as they navigate the challenging job market. BlueWater is honored to play a part in these professional journeys and is dedicated to continuing our mission of supporting and empowering military veterans as they embark on their post-service careers.

SkillBridge Testimonials

General Questions

Interested service members can apply or ask questions about participation by contacting their installation SkillBridge point of contact; depending on the Service and installation, the SkillBridge POC may be in the transition assistance office, education office, or other installation support office.

Service members must be able to complete the program within their last 180 days of military service, and it is strongly recommended that service members complete as much of their Service's transition program as possible prior to starting a SkillBridge program to ensure that they are well informed of all of their post-Service options prior to entering this program. Approval authority rests with the first field grade commander authorized to impose non-judicial punishment under Article 15 of the UCMJ in the service member's chain of command. Such commanders may approve or disapprove participation by a service member based upon unit mission requirements.

The SkillBridge Program is intended to be a training program for service members about to be released from Active Duty. Service members may participate in a SkillBridge opportunity no earlier than 180 days prior to release from Active Duty, and all of their final out-processing, terminal leave, and permissive leave must also occur during that same 180-day period. Each Service can institute their own restrictions within that timeframe. Members should contact their installation's SkillBridge point of contact for more details.

The interested service member must gain approval from her/his unit Commander. Specifically, the service member must seek approval from the first commander in his or her chain of command in the pay grade of O-4 or above.

Yes. Members are authorized to participate at locations and installations other than where they are currently assigned; however, the member is responsible for his/her own travel to and from home installation, even if recalled by a unit commander for duty, as well as final out-processing requirements. Be aware that each Service may establish its own rules on this subject. Service members must contact their installation SkillBridge point of contact for details about Service specific requirements.

The Military Departments may make barracks or other similar lodging facilities available to service members participating in a SkillBridge opportunity without charge. Current guidance in DODI 1322.29 provides that the "Military Departments will not spend DOD appropriations for JTEST-AI (SkillBridge) programs". This provision does not prohibit Military Departments from making such lodging space available. Installation commanders may authorize otherwise unoccupied barracks, on a space available basis, without charge to any service members participating in SkillBridge opportunities while on permissive TDY outside of their geographic home area.


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BlueWater Federal Solutions is proud to be an Equal Opportunity Employer. All qualified candidates will be considered without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, status as a protected veteran, or any other characteristic protected by law. BlueWater Federal Solutions is a VEVRAA federal contractor and we request priority referral of veterans.